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Jameskutty Thomas

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Qualified & experienced professional with over 28 years of proven experience in Electrical Designs of High-Rise Buildings, Factories, etc.

  • Well experienced with Design, Implementation, Inspection & Maintenance of:-

    • HT/EHT Electrical Installations

    • Lightning Protection with multi storied buildings, factories, etc

    • Solar PV Installations

    • Generator Installations

  • Well updated with the standards of transformer, generator, lift, high voltage neon board & medical equipment installations. Handle Autocad Drafting and scrutiny of these installations.

  • Qualified in Opto-Electronics & Laser Technology. Updating with the latest trends in the field of Photonics.

  • Interested with the energy conservation possibilities by linking the technologies of Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Photonics.


Personality A dedicated team leader, who can bring to your business: additional professionalism, passion, productive ideas, enthusiasm and out of the box thinking packed with practical work experience. Also a trustworthy colleague capable of dealing with constant challenges and leading change.


Career Objective


To secure a challenging position in a progressive organization which can utilize my skills and offer me opportunities for advancement.


 To be flexible and adapt to the circumstances.

  • To remain unperturbed and composed under pressure.

  • To lead a group in an efficient and organized manner.

  • To execute the task undertaken with full responsibility and complete it within the stipulated time.

  • To always remain in harmony with my co-workers and promote healthy relationships with each other.


  E d u c a t i o n                                                                                  


  • Bachelor of Technology - Electrical Engineering (B.Tech.)

Branch of Specialisation                       :     Electrical Engineering

University                                             :     University of Kerala

Electives                                               :     · Advanced Numerical Techniques

  • Digital Instrumentation & Tele-metering

Project work done                                :     Thyristor controlled DC Drive.

Year of passing                                     :     1987 March


Master of Technology - Opto Electronics & Laser Technology (M.Tech)


Branch of Specialisation                       :     Opto-Electronics & Laser Technology

University                                             :     Cochin University of Science & Technology

Seminar conducted                              :     Optical Computers

Year of passing                                     :     1992 November

Project work done                                :     Fabrication of Optical Modulator using FLC.

Rank                                                     :     First Rank in the University


C a r e e r P r o f i l e


Teaching Experience                            :     2 Years in Anjuman Engineering College, Bhatkal.

Handled Electronics related subjects for the Electrical & Electronics Branch.

Present job                                           : Working as Electrical Inspector in the Department of Electrical Inspectorate, Govt. of Kerala. I will be retiring after more than 28 years of service on 31/5/21.



Duties & Responsibilities handled in the Department.

Duties & Responsibilities handled in the Meter Testing & Standards Laboratory of the Department


  • Scrutiny of HT/EHT Electrical Schemes, approval and sanction for energisation of Transformer, Generator, High Rise Buildings, X ray, Neon sign, Lift etc. installations.

  • Design of Electrical Installations

  • Design & Inspection of Lightning Protection

  • Design & Inspection of Solar PV Installations

  • Drafting of Electrical Drawings

  • Electrical Inspections of Transformer, Generator, High Rise Buildings, X ray, Neon sign, Lift etc. installations.

  • Electrical Accident Enquiries

  • Energy Auditing

  • Energy Management

  • Electrical Safety Assessments and Training

  • Computerisation of the Department

  • Giving Computer training to the Dept. staff.

  • Calibration of ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter, frequency meter, etc. under NABL direction, the Lab is being accredited.

  • Testing & Calibration of Energy Meters.

  • Testing of Instrument transformers.

  • Testing of Electrical Relays




P e r s o n a l D e t a i l s


Name                                                                          :     JAMESKUTTY THOMAS

Date of Birth                                                  :  17-05-1965

Nationality                                                     :   Indian

Sex                                                                 :   Male

Marital Status                                                 :  Married

Passport Details

Passport No                                                    :   N1663675

Date of issue                                                  :    04/08/2015

Date of Expire                                                :   03/08/2025

Place of issue                                                 :    Cochin

Supported and participated by

VIDYUT SURAKSHIT BHARAT ABHIYAN (c/o National Federation of Engineers for Electrical Safety)

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