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Dr. Sasikumar


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  1. Employment:


  • Joined CESS as Scientist B on January 19, 1979 and retired as Scientist E2 on December 31, 2007.

  • Worked as Co-ordinator, Society for the Promotion of Alternative Computing and

  • Employment (SPACE) from November 1, 2009 to January 31, 2011

  • Joined Lightning Awareness and Research Centre (LARC) as Executive Director on June 16, 2014, continuing there.


IV.Other Activities:


1 (a). In CESS:


  • Was member of the Publication Committee of CESS for many years from the early days of my service, and Chairman, Publication Committee for a few years.



  • Along with a colleague, conducted a study on the Possibility of Improving Education in


Government Schools without additional investments, funded by the Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development (KRPLLD) managed by the Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram. Our report was highly apprciated by the evaluation committee and they wanted us to continue. But our research commitments didn't leave us time to do that.


Other Activities

  • Played a role in reviving the CESS Recreation Club that was lying dormant for a long time, and was elected President for several terms.

  • Helped organise many programmes during lunch break and evenings and annual events such

as sports and games competitions, a house magazine, etc.

  • Won the badminton championship at CESS in a few years.

  • Was always in the front in organising annual Onam celebrations with cultural programmes.

1 (b). Outside CESS:


  • Managed and helped conduct an off-school programme called Discovery Trek in collaboration with two other scientists (one from CESS and one from RRL, Thiruvananthapuram) and another person to provide higher learning facilities for selected talented high school children for three years from 2000 onwards. The programme was very successful in developing thinking skills and providing basic concepts in science, mathematics and other areas of human activity. It was discontinued due to limitations in available infrastructure.

  • Was an active participant in the development of the IT@School Project of the Government of Kerala and the development of the textbooks and other course materials.


Free Software

  • Have been a promoter of Free, Libre and Open Source Software from around 2001 after Richard Stallman inaugurated the Free Software Foundation of India at Thiruvananthapuram, and was inducted into its Director Board around 2003. Still continuing as a member of the Board.

  • Have been a member of the Board of Directors of Society for the Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment (SPACE) from its inception in 2003. Was involved in organising the first Free Software Free Society Conference in 2005 and the second one in 2008.



V.Science Popularisation


  • Have been writing popular science articles in Malayalam from around 1980.

  • Now have written a few hundred articles for popular Malayalam magazines, newspapers and the Malayalam Encyclopaedia published by the State Institute of Encyclopaedic Publications.

  • Have been regularly invited by various organisations such as the KSSP, SSM and others to speak to school students on science and related topics.

  • Contributed an article every month to the magazine, Vijnanakairali published by the State

Institute of Languages for a long period.

  • Have   three   popular   science   books   to   my   credit;   ഭൂമിയുടെs   ആവരണം   on   the   Earth's

Atmosphere published by  the Sahithya Pravarthaka Co-operative Society (Writer's Co-


operative Society), Minnalum Idiyum on lightning published by The State Institute of Languages, Kerala and Aakashathinte Athbhuthakazhchakal on the universe and exoplanets.

  • Also published several articles in English in Frontline, a web magazine called Infochangeindia and their print edition Agenda including interviews with Richard Stallman, Eben Moglen and others in the Free Software movement and a review of a book on Global Warming.

  • Completed in 2015 a state-wide awareness campaign on the phenomenon of lightning and how to protect life and property from its disastrous effects under a project funded by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment and hosted by the Lightning Awareness and Research Centre, CISSA.




Thesis: Investigation of the Relationship between Atmospheric Electricity and the Environment, submitted to the Faculty of Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology (1994)

i)Papers in Journals:

  1. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath, 1987: Measurements of electrical conductivities, ion densities and mobilities in the middle atmosphere over India, Indian J Radio Space Phys, 16, 215-220.

  2. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das and V. Sasi Kumar, 1989: Electrical conductivities, ion densities and mobilities in the middle atmosphere over India - balloon measurements, J Atmos Terr Phys, 51, 533-540.

  3. Murali Das, S., S. Sampath and V. Sasi Kumar, 1991: Effect of surface radioactivity on the vertical distribution of atmospheric electrical conductivities, Indian J Radio Space Phys, 20, 444-445.

  4. Sampath, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Murali Das:, 1991 Positive and negative ion densities and mobilities in the middle atmosphere over India - rocket measurements, J Atmos Terr Phys, 54, 347-354.

  5. Sampath, S. and V. Sasi Kumar, 1991: Electricity in the atmosphere, Phys Education, 8, 135- 147.

  6. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Murali Das and S. Sampath, 1994: Atmospheric electrical conductivities over a region of high radioactivity, Indian J Radio Space Phys, 23, 253-258.

  7. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath, T.K. Krishnachandran Nair, and M. Ismail, 1994: Aerial survey of atmospheric electrical conductivity over a radioactive region using a Pushpak aircraft, Indian J Radio Space Phys, 23, 380-386.

  8. Sampath, S., V. Sasi Kumar, and S. Murali Das, 1994: Airborne measurements of atmospheric electrical conductivities, Pure Appl. Geophys., 143, 713-727.

  9. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Sampath, S. Murali Das, and K. Vijaya Kumar: Atmospheric electrical conductivity variations over different environments, Geophys. J. Internat., 122, 89-96, 1995.

  10. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Sampath and S. Murali Das, 2001: Atmospheric electrical conductivity measurements as an indicator of natural radioactivity, J Indian Geophys Union, 5, 93-101.

  11. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Sampath, T.K. Abraham, and C.N. Mohanan, 2002: Coloured rain in Kerala, India, Eos, July 30.

  12. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Sampath and P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, 2003: Drop size distribution of rainfall of different intensities, Indian J Radio Spa Phys., 32, 217-220.

  13. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das and V. Sasi Kumar, 2004: Ambient noise levels in major cities in


Kerala, J Indian Geophys Union, 8, 293-298.

  1. Harikumar, R., V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath,, & P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, 2007: Comparison of drop size distribution between stations in eastern and western coasts of India, J. Indian Geophys. Union, 11(2), 111-116

  2. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Sampath, P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, & R. Harikumar (2007): Rainfall Intensity Characteristics at Coastal and High Altitude Stations in Kerala, J. Earth System Sci., 116(5), 451-463

  3. Hamza Varikoden, Sasi Kumar V., Sampath S., Muralidas S. and Mohankumar G. (2008): Diurnal and spatial variations of condensation particles in Kerala, South India, Current Science, 94(2), 233-237.

  4. Harikumar, R., Sampath, S. & Kumar, V.S. (2009): An Empirical Model for the variation of Rain Drop Size Distribution with Rain Rate at a few locations in Southern India, Advances in Space Research, 43, 837-844. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2008.11.001

  5. Hamza Varikoden, Harikumar R., Sasi Kumar V., Murali Das S., Sampath S. and Mohan Kumar

G. (2009): Properties of cloud base height during southwest monsoon period over a tropical station, Thiruvananthapuram, Current Science, 96(4), 562-568.

  1. Harikumar R., S. Sampath, V. Sasi Kumar (2010): Variation of rain drop size distribution with rain rate at a few coastal and high altitude stations in southern peninsular India , Advances in Space Research 45, 576–586. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2009.09.018.

  2. Hamza Varikoden, R. Harikumar, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Murali Das, S. Sampath and G. Mohan Kumar (2010): Properties of cloud base height during southwest monsoon period over a tropical station, Thiruvananthapuram, Current Science, 96(4), 562-568

  3. R. Harikumar, S. Sampath and V. Sasi Kumar (2010): Altitudinal and temporal evolution of rain drop size distribution observed over a tropical station using a K-Band radar, Int. J Rem. Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.549853.

  4. Hamza Varikoden, R. Harikumar, R. Vishnu, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath, S. Murali Das and G. Mohan Kumar (2011): Observational study of cloud base height and its frequency over a tropical station, Thiruvananthapuram using Ceilometer, Int. J Rem. Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.542199

ii)Papers Presented at Seminars/symposia:

  1. Sampath, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Murali Das: Measurement of positive ion density and mobility in the mesosphere over dip equator, presented at the National Space Science Symposium, Poona, Dec. 7 - 10, 1983.

  2. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Middle atmospheric positive ion density and mobility profiles over Thumba, presented in the First Workshop on IMAP Results, Bangalore, Nov. 14 - 16, 1984.

  3. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Balloon-borne measurements of electrical


conductivities, ion densities and mobilities, presented in the National Space Science Symposium, Guwahati, Feb. 19 – 22, 1986.

  1. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das and V. Sasi Kumar: Balloon-borne measurements of ion densities mobilities and conductivities in India, presented in the 26th COSPAR Plenary Meeting on Space Research, Toulouse, France, June 30 - July 12, 1986.

  2. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das and V. Sasi Kumar: Balloon-borne pumped Gerdien condenser measurements over India, presented at the XIX General Assembly of IUGG, Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 9 - 22, 1987.

  3. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath : Measurement of mesospheric ion densities and mobilities, presented in the National Space Science Symposium, Ahmedabad, Dec.21 - 29,1987.

  4. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das and V. Sasi Kumar: Balloon-borne measurements of electrical conductivities, ion densities and mobilities, presented in the National Space Science Symposium, Ahmedabad, Dec.21 – 29, 1987.

  5. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Middle atmospheric electrical parameters measured using rocket- and balloon-borne Gerdien condensers, presented in the Second Workshop on IMAP Scientific Results, Trivandrum, April 26 - 29, 1988.

  6. S. Murali Das, V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Natural radioactivity and atmospheric electricity, Presented in the National Symposium on Ecology, Energy and the Environment, held at Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchi, Feb. 9-11, 2000.

  7. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Atmospheric electrical conductivity measurements as an indicator of natural radioactivity, 37th Annual Convention and Meeting on the Earth and its Climate, Indian Geophysical Union, Cochin, Dec. 19-21, 2000.

  8. Sampath, S., S. Murali Das, andV. Sasi Kumar: Ambient noise levels in major cities in Kerala, Presented at the Annual meet of the Indian Geophysical Union, Chennai, December 2003.

  9. R. Harikumar, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath and P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, A Study on Rain Drop Size Distribution, 14th Swadeshi Science Congress-2004, Thekkady, November 2004.

  10. R. Harikumar, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath and P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, Comparison of drop size distribution between stations in Eastern and Western coasts if India, 42nd Annual Convention of the Indian Geophysical Union-2005, Bhopal, December-2005.

  11. R. Harikumar, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath and P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak, Rain drop size distribution at different heights, 18th Kerala Science Congress 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, January 2006.

  12. R. Harikumar, V. Sasi Kumar, P.V.S.S.K. Vinayak and S. Sampath, Raindrop size distribution studies using a disdrometer and a micro rain radar, National Space Science Symposium (NSSS-2006), Visakhapatnam, February 2006.

  13. V. Hamza, B. Abish, V. Sasi Kumar, S. Sampath, S. Murali Das & G. Mohan Kumar, Diurnal variation of cloud base height at Thiruvananthapuram: Preliminary findings, Proc. Kerala


Science Congress, pp 996-998, 2007.

  1. T.S.Sreekanth, V.Sasikumar, G. Mohan Kumar & S. Murali Das: Characterization of rain intensity variation with rain drop size class, IGU Annual Convention, Dehradun, 2009

  2. Harikumar, R., Sampath, S., Mohan Kumar, G.: Altitudinal variation of Radar Reflectivity Factor-Rain rate (Z–R) relation at a tropical site observed using a Micro Rain Radar: A valuable information for remote sensing of rain, Seminar on Climate Change, Causes, Measures and Preparedness, Hyderabad, India, August 2009.

  3. T.S.Sreekanth, V.Sasikumar, G. Mohan Kumar, S. Murali Das & S. Sampath: Characterization of drop size change with intensity in the 2006 SW & NE monsoons, National Space Sciences Symposium, Rajkot, 2010

  4. Harikumar, R., Sampath, S., Mohan Kumar, G.: Evidence of the orographic effect on Rain from Rain Drop Size Distribution at coastal and high altitude tropical stations , 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2010, Bremen, Germany, July 2010

  5. Harikumar, R., Sampath, S., Mohan Kumar, G.: Vertical profiles of Rain Drop Size Distribution at a tropical station using a k-band Doppler Radar, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2010, Bremen, Germany, July 2010



iii)Other Reports

  1. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: A Gerdien conductivity meter for surface measurements, Technical Report, Atmospheric Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1991.

  2. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Balloon-borne measurements of atmospheric electrical conductivities, ion densities and mobilities, Technical Report, Atmospheric Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1992.

  3. Murali Das, S., V. Sasi Kumar and S. Sampath: Rocket-borne measurements of ion densities and mobilities, Technical Report, Atmospheric Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1993.

  4. Sasi Kumar, V., S. Murali Das, and S. Sampath: Aircraft-borne measurements of atmospheric electrical conductivities, Technical Report, Atmospheric Sciences Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 1993.

  5. Sampath, S., K. Vijayakumar, V. Sasi Kumar and S. Murali Das: Natural Radioactivity and Atmospheric Electricity, Project completion report submitted to Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, 1993.

  6. Sampath, S., T.K. Abraham, V. Sasi Kumar and C.N. Mohanan: Coloured Rain: A Report on the Phenomenon, Technical Report No. CESS-PR-114-20012, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, 2001.

Supported and participated by

VIDYUT SURAKSHIT BHARAT ABHIYAN (c/o National Federation of Engineers for Electrical Safety)

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