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Standards of foreign origin are used in India in electrical application. Are they legally valid??


European, British, American and Private standards are called as "International" and used in India. Why this is illegal in India & and how safety regulation 12 (2& 3) to be understood.

Standards play a major role in influencing business of products and services. Using National standards of other countries / regions or private standards will protect the business interests of manufacturers from those countries and will harm India’s economy and growth, more over violate all safety requirements.

Every Indian Electrical Engineers should think and ask the question "Will these foreign nations allow Indian Standards in any of their projects??" The answer is clear. Its illegal in those nations, is clearly mentioned in their rules and known to every engineer.

We should stop calling the other nations and private standards as "FOREIGN STANDARD" rather than "INTERNATIONAL STANDARD".

In India, the safety regulations very clearly explained to use Indian standards or IEC standards in India. As a result using national standards of other nations and private standards are illegal in India.

The status of "International" shall be used only for ISO, IEC and ITU standards. India is a signatory to WTO - TBT agreements. More information are available in Govt of India Websites.

Safety regulations also very clearly explained about the validity of IS and IEC standards (in regulation 12). Usage of European, British, American and private standards in India, in the field of electrical engineering is legally not valid. Usage of such standards will give indirectly support products and services from those countries. There is no need of using such standards in India. For almost every application IS standards or IEC standards are available.

Indians should strictly adhere to regulation 12 (2) & (3) and Indian standards.

Panel Discussion on Electrical Safety Regulations

26th March 2022 Saturday 4.00 PM onwards


1. Shri. Mukul Kumar, Asst. Director, Central Electricity Authority. (MK)

2. Shri. Appavoo S, Chief Electrical Inspector to Government of Tamilnadu (Retd.). (SA)

3. Shri. Vinay Nagdeo, Superintending Engineer (Retd), Nagpur Regional Inspection Circle, Maharashtra. (VN)

4. Shri. Jameskutty Thomas, Electrical Inspector (retd.), Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala. (JT)

5. Shri. Debdas Goswami, Head of standardisation divisions (Retd), Bureau of Indian Standards. (DG)

6. Shri. Gopa Kumar S, Member in working groups of IEC TC64, TC81 & SC 37A, ETD 20, ETD 30 & ETD50.

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04 juin 2022

Lightning Protection-All you want to know-2 nd Webinar was very interesting and have discussed the practical doubts of Electrical engineers. Hope 3rd webinar will be more effective.


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Supported and participated by

VIDYUT SURAKSHIT BHARAT ABHIYAN (c/o National Federation of Engineers for Electrical Safety)

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